Sunday, November 16, 2008


Hey everyone! So sorry for neither mom nor I posting anything for a while. Life here in Price has been pretty hectic lately. Mom and Dad have both been crazy busy with work, and I have also been pretty busy with school and work.
As many of you know (how could you not know with Mom telling everybody she meets? that's right, even strangers practically), I was selected as the Math Sterling Scholar for this year. Well let me tell ya, it is not all that it is cracked up to be. The outcome is nice, all that you learn and everything, but the work... ugh. We have deadlines where a number of pages have to be done. Well....this coming Thursday I have 10 pages due, and let's face it, I have none done. Awesome isn't it? Well I am close on several of them, but none done. I have one word that describes my life altogether: Procrastination. Yup that's me. For my science fair project in 9th grade, I waited until like the week before to do my observations, and the night before to do my report and everything else. :D Also, I remembered last night at about 10:00 that I had a lesson that I had to teach in Young Women's today. Ya that was a shocker. I about had a heart attack right in the middle of family prayer, and I was saying it! You know, even though I procrastinate and get frustrated everytime I do it, I still do it. I haven't figured that out yet. People tell me to change my ways (mainly Mom and Dad), but I usually don't listen (don't tell Mom!).

1 comment:

Mikelle said...

Glad that you are finally back telling us about your life!! I want pics from pref!!