Tuesday, July 27, 2010
MeL's LifeStyle
We're Back!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Beginning of My Last Year as a Teen

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Crazy busy life!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
King Family LIfe As Of Now
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Celebrity Moment!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Graduation! It finally happened! Sorry for getting to this a little bit later than planned. But anyways it rocked! I loved every minute of it! Although the actual ceremony was a little bit long, I still thought it was very good. I liked it more than Mom and Dad that is, but I also had a nicer chair to sit on :D! But everything was pretty basic. We went to the ceremony, we went outside and took hundreds of pictures, we went and ate lunch at Grogg's (yum!), and then I went to Grad Spec. So it was basic but it was such a major blast! I felt really quite proud of myself. I graduated 11th in my class of about 240 kids! I was, however, disappointed because I was one chair off of the first row. I would have been but they put student body officers in front of everyone else, including valedvictorian, and that pushed me back about 6 chairs. But oh well! I was still happy I was far up there!
Speaking of Grad Spec....I WON! Well sort of. But I did break the King Family Curse and won something at Grad Spec. I actually was called during the first part of Grad Spec to win something but I took a risk and told them that I wanted to wait for the Senior Prize drawing. Apparently if you win something else, you cannot win the Senior Prize, which is a desk, computer, printer, camera, and some other stuff. So I waited for the Senior Prize. For that, they call 20 seniors and eliminate them one by one to the last person, who gets the prize. Well my name was called for the 20 seniors! But I didn't win. I was the first person called to say that I didn't win it. Sigh.. But that is ok! For being one of the 20 I won a few things. I won a box of sprite, snake-eye dice things, an old (smelling really bad) lotion bar, a paperweight, and $10! I felt pretty great about it!!
Anyways...it feels amazing to finally be graduated! The only real thing that I will miss from High School is my friends. I will miss them like no other! A lot of them are leaving for other colleges and I am still depressed about it, but I do have friends staying here!! Thank goodness! Other than that though, I am just plain out happy that I am in college (despite the fact that it makes me feel extremely old!). I have been ready for college since my sophomore year! It finally came! YAY!
Here is a video of graduation. It is pretty long and most of it is just me with my friends, but if you have 7 minutes of your crazy schedules, check it out! It is great!! Or so I think!! PS- The first song in the video was our graduation theme if you wanted to know. The other song was just one put there because I didn't have another song and I really like that one! And I am really really sorry if you cannot read the subtitles on some of them. They looked bigger when I made the movie!